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Technical Support and Research
IDEC has a reputation for a sound understanding of critical project execution issues that need to be considered when operating in the region. We actively engage with our customers and are flexible in our approach to using cost-effective strategies in delivering projects. Our history of executing successful projects in the Middle East and East Africa provides customers with confidence of our capabilities where we are applying technology and innovative solutions to deliver more efficient solutions.
IDEC has established a multi-tier, team approach to technical support which ensures that our support personnel are accessible to our customers, and that they clearly understand customer needs in each situation. This strategy clearly defines technical accountability, reduces the margin for error, minimizes QHSE liability, breaks down communication barriers and ensures best practices. Simply put, the network covers our business in Middle East and East Africa to concentrate the best support when and where it is needed.
An important part of technical support for customers and onsite engineers is our complete suite of software products. These range from simple database programs to proprietary packages. Some are designed for use at the well while others are used for generating special reports in our customers’ offices.
While we’ve been solving problems for our customers, we’ve developed new systems and new ways of using them that have reduced drilling and completion costs, improved production rates, and minimized environmental impact. Some prime examples are the ID-DRILL IN fluids; our high-performance water base systems –DRILSMOOTH, ID-THERM DRILL, ID-GLY DRILL, ID-SIL DRILLE, ID- EASYDRILL ; and the NOVA synthetic systems such as TriMAX and ID-Clay Free Invert . Developments like these have given IDEC has one of the strongest and most complete product and service offerings in the area.
Fluid system design and engineering. Developing the right fluid system for a given set of parameters requires an understanding of both the products involved as well as their intended application. Our product applications people are experts on nonstandard drilling fluid chemistries.